Monday, 7 January 2013

round and round and round

Raincoat - Really old, 2nd hand?
Jeans - Vero moda
Bag - Gift from Israel
Hat&Shoes - Seppälä
Mittens - Stolen off mama
Cardi - Mama's old

Roundhay Park is probably one of my favourite places in Leeds, so that's where I took my family. The weather was rainy for most of the time, but the park is worth visiting anyway. The lil' folly is my favourite and I quite like the idea of going to feed the ducks and swans, too. Across the park there's a tropical world where we said hello to meerkats, chameleons, monkeys, butterflies, birds, snakes and what not.


Kati said...

The photos are so darling!

Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

What a nice place to visit! Will definitely remember. Thank you for the photos! x

Laura Jones said...

Kati - thank you, sweetie! x

Little Rus - so it is, i definitely recommend going to roundhay if you ever happen to be in the area:) 'welcome, honey! x

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Oh what a fun visit!

Laura Jones said...

Krysten - thank you, doll, so it was! x

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